November 4, 2009

Sibling Rivalry????

(Thankful on Nov 4th) Sibling rivalry is something I don't ever remember having with my sister. I only ever thought of her as my baby sis. I am fortunate to call her my friend, my prayer warrior, my partner in crime (when we go shopping) and my soon to be business partner. She is the one person I can call and she will drop just about anything to come to my need. I say just about anything because she is a remarkable wife and mother also. She is creative and artistic beyond immaginable. She is humble when it comes to herself, but will start a rumble if a family member or friend are being challenged. She's loyal and trustworthy. I have always believed that it is important for people to know how you feel about them while they are still here and it's extremly important that she know's just how thankful I am for her. The uncountable times we have pee'd our pants laughing over the silliest things. We all have that someone in our life that allows us to be "ourself" whether it's good or bad, they choose to hang in there with you when the rest of the world walks away. Take the time to let them know how thankful you are for them. I love you Shawny....xoxox... for that special creative inspiration you need, check out her blog

1 comment:

SHAWN said...

Wow!-sis what a nice way to welcome me back to the world of health again. Thank you so much for the nice words. I love you more than you will ever know.

art (ärt) noun - supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty.