January 1, 2010

New Beginnings

For 35 years GTE/VERIZON has been my security blanket. Kept a roof over my head, food on the table & paid my doctor bills. I spent more time there than I did at home. Provided me my main source of friendships, was patient with this girl that had no college education but kept me as an employee anyways. Taught me just about everything I know right now about a computer. Through 35 years, I saw the company change in soooo many ways, as I did also. Thank you GTE/VERIZON for being there for me.

But it's a new day, a new year. God has asked me to take His hand and enter into a new chapter of my life. Extremley blessed to be given an opportunity to continue working those brain cells of mine. In this tough economy, when jobs are so scarce, the Lord opened this amazing door for me to semi-retire and enjoy the atmosphere of one of my most favorite places to spend $$$$.
"Tai Pan Trading". 2010 looks to be a very exciting year.

My sister and partner in crime, Shawn and I also have plans up our sleeves that have been a long time coming. You'll want to keep and eye out for what is happening with the "G" sisters.

I pray as another year has been granted to us.... Move forward, learn from the past, but don't live in it. Trust in God, life is precious.


Maggi said...

Wow 35 years! It seems to be a year of changes for all of us, good luck and God be with you in your new ventures!

24 crowns said...

we are so proud of you we always knew that you would susceed in what ever you did. Trust God and keep going in what ever you do. we will always be here for you. mom and dad

art (ärt) noun - supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty.