Today at Unruly PaperArts we are joining together with many others around the globe to recognize "Inspire Your Heart With Art" day. Whether you are sitting at a table playing with paints, inks, clay etc., going to a museum, listening to some music or watching a theatrical performance.... Let the ARTS Inspire Your Heart Today. The piece I created for this day is simply a mixed media piece with lots and lots of texture, layers, sparkle & color. That's what inspires my heart.
ART - noun - the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
Walk through a gallery sometime and see how different pieces effect you emotionally, physically, mentally
As today is set apart for Inspiring "Your" heart my hope is that this piece inspires "Someone Elses" heart and brings a smile to your face
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"... Pablo Picasso
Enjoy my tutorial on the process of this project below and for other tutorials, please visit my Snapguide Webpage here