If It's Important Enough, You'll Make Time For It
I have been in a creative slump for awhile now and not exactly sure why. It's very frustrating. I have all my arts stuff laying in my room all ready to be messed with and I start a project and for whatever reason I just don't feel it. Day in and day out I sit blog hopping to all my blogs that feed my creative soul with inspiration but not too much effort has been made to just sit...not think.... just play with art. OBSERVING BUT NOT PARTICIPATING. BUT.... one of my most favorite "cut to the chase" blogs "CreativeSomething" had a post today for whatever reason kicked my butt right over to the table and I got out an old book from the $Dollar store and gesso'd some pages together and started an art journal. Something I've been wanting to do for a loooooong time, but kind of afraid. You see, I'm concerned that someone might get ahold of it someday and think I was a little more looney then they had originally thought I was. CreativeSomething had a quote: "It is very important to embrace failure and to do a lot of stuff - as much stuff as possible - with as little fear as possible. It's much, much better to wind up with a lot of crap having tried it than to overthink in the beginning and not do it." - Stefan Sagmeister

Art journaling... where there are NO mistakes, just.... ok... not real fond of that technique, or probably won't try that again or OMG that makes me wanna dance. I once read in another blog... sorry can't remember where but athletes always warm up before trying to run a race or play a game, and art journaling is much like that. Just put things on paper to get your mojo going and then off you go. So here is the first of hopefully many pages to come.
Hurry Hurry those juices are flowing so I'm off back to my table to finish a baby shower gift that I started about a month ago...
xoxo Toni
art (ärt) noun - supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty.
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